
#decaturcounty | Oberlin Kansas Chamber of Commerce

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EXCITING NEWS!!! Mark your calendars because we are having another DRIVE IN MOVIE in Oberlin!! This is not just a Drive In Movie. This will be THE Drive In Movie to be at!! Saturday, October 7th – Decatur County Fairgrounds Gates open at 5:30 Movie starts at 7:30 $25 minimum donation per car ALL proceeds...

Highway 36 Treasure Hunt

Listed below is a google map & list of garage sales for Oberlin, Ks~ Highway 36 Garage Sales Sept 14-16, 2023 (simply click the link to bring up the information on your computer or phone!) Map only- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1imXPXcIDzXDuTUOTujVVvTs9MyqP0Es&ll=39.820155166276905%2C-100.52441565000001&z=18 2. List of address with names and garage sale items- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NNVGrildGLHC8Ok2oNhycV8f145-OsC5tYhSsOAbiy4/edit  

Oberlin October Carfest

Decatur County Chamber of Commerce Annual Carfest October 14, 2023~ 8am-3pm 8am-10 am~ Registration  10am-12N~ Voting  12-1pm~ Lunch (food trucks available) 1pm-2pm~ Awards 2pm~ Poker Run Lots of activities through out the day in Downtown Oberlin, KS !! Door Prizes Children’s Activities Pin-Up Contest Lil Miss Pin-Up (ages 6-13 yrs of age) **please pre-register for...


The 18th annual Highway 36 Treasure Hunt will take place this year on September 14-16th, 2023 Registration for the Treasure Hunt is $10.00 and will be due on September 7th, 2023. Please have registrations turned in by that date to ensure your address will be listed on the local map! You can also “lease” a...

Up In Smoke BBQ At Sappa Park

“Up In Smoke” BBQ & Music Saturday, September 9th, 2023 @ Sappa Park (Oberlin, KS) Teams: Each team consists of 1 Chief Cook and up to 3 assistant cooks Entry Fee: $100 without electricity, $10 extra with RV hookups, $5 extra for electricity for grills only. Electricity is reserved for contestants ONLY! Entry Fee Includes:...

New Grant Opportunity for Businesses

To begin the application process, fill out a questionnaire. Questionnaires are located https://oberlinkansas.gov/uploads/cvr-questionnaire.pdf Questionnaires need to be turned into the city office at 1 Morgan Drive or emailed to srush@oberlinkansas.gov  Or to Oberlin Economic Development Corp (124 S Penn Ave) or emailed to sdempewolf@oberlinkansas.gov  For more information, go to https://www.kansascommerce.gov/cdbg/covid-resiliency-cvr/

NCRPC Housing Initiative

DECATUR COUNTY is part of the Moderate Income Housing Rehabilitation Pilot Program. This program offers reimbursement grants of up to $10,000 to homeowners to complete minor housing upgrades. Examples of eligible housing upgrades include items such as roofing, siding, windows, or heating and air units. Homeowners must provide a 10 percent match up to $1,000...

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