February 21, 2023by Oberlin Kansas Chamber

Making a Difference Monday!!

Have you been asking why don’t we have this or that in Oberlin or Decatur County?
It is your turn to make a difference! What are you looking for in Oberlin, Norcatur, Jennings and Decatur County in general?
✅ Housing
✅ Community Beautification
✅ Childcare
✅ Playgrounds
✅ Job/Business/Main Street Development
✅ ???
What are you looking for? Let’s prioritize and make it happen!!
Mark your calendars to attend our Community Round Table Strategic Doing Meeting Wednesday, March 1st!!
Meal starts at 5:30 p.m. *
Roundtable Discussion starts at 6:00 p.m.
Come to the Golden Age Center with your ideas, goals, and desire to grow Decatur County!
* PLEASE RSVP to by Wednesday, March 1st at Noon so we can make sure we have enough food.
If you are already a Strategic Doing group and would like to meet as a committee, there are times still available for that day at 2:30 & 3:30. Message this page or email to secure a spot.
GROW Decatur County Foundation is an affiliate of Greater Northwest Kansas Community
(photos are for attention purposes only and do not reflect local amenities)

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